Georgia Pediatrics Program (GAPP)

Is your child under 21?

Is your child medically fragile or living with a disability?

Does your child have Medicaid?

If so, then your child may qualify for
No Cost To You in-home care services

Get Started with GAPP

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What Is GAPP?

GAPP (Georgia Pediatric Program) is a Medicaid program that provides skilled nursing and personal care services to medically fragile children under the age of 21 AT NO COST to the family. These services are provided in the comfort and safety of the child’s home and community. Families who are eligible for Medicaid can apply for GAPP and approval is based on the child’s medical needs.


The Katie Beckett Waiver or "Deeming Waiver" grants Medicaid Benefits to children under the age of 18 regardless of their parents' income. Qualification for the Katie Beckett Waiver is based solely on the institutional level of care the child requires. If a child receives the Katie Beckett Waiver, they become eligible for all services available under the regular state Medicaid plan, including GAPP services.

GAPP Services

No Wait List!

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This program is not a waiver service, and your child will be eligible to receive services immediately following service approval from GAPP.

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Intake and evaluation typically takes up to 30 days for service approval.

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Parents are involved with the development of their child’s service plan of treatment along with any service goals.

To book a consultation with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you or your loved ones, contact us today!